Trending Projects
Whole-Cell Computational Model of Mycoplasma genitalium
This project provides all code and data for thefirst "whole-cell" model of the entire life cycle
of a living organism, Mycoplasma
Downloads last week: 1,813
Total downloads: 300,446
Platform for Dynamic Simulation and Control of Movement based on OpenSim&MATLAB
This project overcomes neuromusculoskeletalsystems limitations of MATLAB®/Simulink® and
robust design & control limitations of OpenSim
through an interface between these two software
packages that combines relevant strengths of each
individual package.
Total followers: 73
Simulations of Crouch Gait
Simulations of individuals with cerebral palsywho walk in a crouch gait . These simulations
were used in analyses of (1) contributions to mass
center accelerations, (2) impacts of muscle
weakness, (3) magnitudes of tibiofemoral contact
forces, and (4) evaluations of ankle foot orthoses
during crouch gait. Downloads provide all
supporting files for OpenSim simulations. Please
see accompanying publications for more
Downloads last week: 32
Total downloads: 14,852
OpenMM includes everything one needs to run modernmolecular simulations. It is extremely flexible
with its custom functions, is open-source, and has
high performance, especially on recent GPUs.
Downloads last week: 4,948
Forum posts last week: 7
Total followers: 66
Total downloads: 852,524
OpenSim Moco
OpenSim Moco solves optimal control problems withmusculoskeletal models defined in OpenSim, using
direct collocation.
Forum posts last week: 9
SCONE: Open Source Software for Predictive Simulation
quot; alt="SCONE">SCONE is free and
open-source software for <b>predictive
simulation</b> of human and animal
motion. With SCONE, you can define and optimize
<b>neuromuscular controllers</b> to
optimally perform a specific task, according to
<b>high-level objectives</b> such as
walking speed and energy efficiency. Please
visit the <a
homepage</a> for more information, or check
ges">what's new</a> in the latest
Forum posts last week: 6
Total followers: 35
Upper Extremity Kinematic Model
Upper-extremity available for download along withaccompanying publications.
Total followers: 27
Total downloads: 11,237
Muscle-actuated Simulation of Human Running
The purpose of this study was to determine howmuscles contribute to propulsion (i.e., the
fore-aft acceleration) and support (i.e., the
vertical acceleration) of the body mass center
during running.
Total followers: 42
Total downloads: 26,608
Planar arm with 6 muscles
This model has a arm model with 6 muscles movingon a horizontal plane (table).
Forum posts last week: 1
Open Knee(s): Virtual Biomechanical Representations of the Knee Joint
Open Knee(s) goals have been to provide freeaccess to three-dimensional finite element
representations of the knee joint and promote open
development of knee models for collaborative
testing and use. <B>Definitive Guide to
Project and Its Outcomes</B> Open Knee(s): A
Free and Open Source Library of Specimen-Specific
Models and Related Digital Assets for Finite
Element Analysis of the Knee Joint. Chokhandre S,
Schwartz A, Klonowski E, Landis B, Erdemir A. Ann
Biomed Eng. 2023 Jan;51(1):10-23. (<A
074-0</A>) <B>Definitive Guide to
Open Knee(s) Data</B> Specimen specific
imaging and joint mechanical testing data for next
generation virtual knees. Chokhandre S, Neumann
EE, Nagle TF, Colbrunn RW, Flask CA, Colak C,
Halloran J, Erdemir A. Data Brief. 2021 Jan
30;35:106824. (<A
824</A>) <B>Database of Open
Knee(s) Models</B> Under Downloads ->
Data Share -> View -> OKS_models and at
<B>Database of Open Knee(s)
Data</B> Growing version under Downloads
-> Data Share -> View -> Open Knees Data;
permanent static version at (<A
Downloads last week: 611
Forum posts last week: 1
Total followers: 47
Total downloads: 149,661
Model of the Scapulothoracic Joint
Provide an OpenSim Joint model that enables a moreaccurate representation of scapula mechanics in
musculoskeletal simulations.
Total followers: 30
Provide easy-to-use, extensible software formodeling, simulating, controlling, and analyzing
the neuromusculoskeletal system.
Downloads last week: 2,276
Forum posts last week: 10
Total followers: 318
Total downloads: 825,396
Reproducibility in simulation-based prediction of natural knee mechanics
This project aims for understanding the influenceof modelers’ approaches and decisions
(essentially their art) throughout the lifecycle
of modeling and simulation. It will demonstrate
the uncertainty of delivering consistent
simulation predictions when the founding data to
feed into models remain the same. The project site
also aims to be a hub to provide an overview of
resources for modeling & simulation of the knee
joint. Funding is provided by the National
Institute of Biomedical Imaging and
Bioengineering, National Institutes of Health
(Grant No. R01EB024573).
Downloads last week: 124
Total downloads: 28,427
By Category
Biological applications
PhD Position in Neuromusculoskeletal Modeling
Rice Computational Neuromechanics Lab
Jul 20, 2024
Jul 20, 2024
The Rice Computational Neuromechanics Lab directed by B.J. Fregly is seeking to hire a new PhD student with the appointment beginning as soon as possible.