syn_3_task_term = [0.117753 0.0217567 0.0778109 0.0216889 0.0663523 0.0498934 0.00747488 0.16521 0.0214137 0.0502757]; syn_3_act_term = [0.037358 0.0258955 0.0311736 0.0320585 0.0273662 0.0334526 0.0294676 0.0283168 0.0246301 0.0351839]; syn_3_cost = [0.174591 0.109855 0.135214 0.0701354 0.223861 0.098458 0.0563028 0.330487 0.103395 0.0992056]; syn_5_task_term = [0.00679633 0.0127262 0.00238926 0.00929333 0.0546099 0.0398678 0.00524021 0.115958 0.00326308 0.0443079]; syn_5_act_term = [0.0256083 0.0248441 0.0244718 0.0275255 0.0352799 0.028579 0.0272814 0.0307434 0.0262875 0.0301071]; syn_5_cost = [0.0609661 0.0655261 0.0467178 0.0511881 0.135101 0.0837277 0.0405835 0.245605 0.0453875 0.0895114]; syn_8_task_term = [0.00212061 0.0113317 0.00135152 0.00887767 0.0491684 0.0405061 0.00331542 0.114106 0.002043 0.0447859]; syn_8_act_term = [0.0175214 0.0245925 0.0174343 0.0238791 0.0285892 0.0261985 0.0254291 0.0293513 0.0221319 0.0268555]; syn_8_cost = [0.0486929 0.0664361 0.0373073 0.0612158 0.112283 0.0792636 0.0515124 0.191473 0.0417437 0.0835166]; syn_11_task_term = [0.00269062 0.0120433 0.00109852 0.00618997 0.0488245 0.0412171 0.00165448 0.112865 0.00211415 0.0422525]; syn_11_act_term = [0.0165118 0.0232608 0.0160602 0.0245407 0.0313971 0.0272851 0.0258712 0.0314416 0.0278741 0.0282564]; syn_11_cost = [0.0457472 0.0642783 0.0355741 0.0453653 0.108813 0.0833869 0.0515466 0.185586 0.0396446 0.0872259]; syn_14_task_term = [0.000644316 0.0119694 0.000777152 0.00838857 0.0471226 0.0396587 0.00425836 0.110939 0.00359331 0.0437221]; syn_14_act_term = [0.0178534 0.0306032 0.0173512 0.0289637 0.029815 0.0237778 0.024566 0.036347 0.0265851 0.0248946 ]; syn_14_cost = [0.0389205 0.0468119 0.0347627 0.0485575 0.10619 0.0745289 0.0377567 0.17905 0.0407648 0.0804297 ]; syn_17_task_term = [0.000295736 0.0124935 0.00123422 0.0112253 0.0599368 0.0376524 0.00576052 0.116793 0.00514817 0.0425751 ]; syn_17_act_term = [0.0193275 0.0293056 0.0168207 0.0277112 0.0332404 0.0236691 0.0294808 0.0327012 0.0272256 0.0275138 ]; syn_17_cost = [0.0378145 0.06296 0.0361594 0.053535 0.107881 0.0759353 0.0571726 0.181095 0.0477591 0.0834736 ]; syn_20_task_term = [0.000168288 0.0153925 0.00110368 0.00803337 0.0518699 0.0453317 0.00441866 0.111592 0.00293907 0.0428647 ]; syn_20_act_term = [0.0214287 0.0253497 0.0177054 0.0295161 0.0380258 0.0220242 0.0283474 0.0372435 0.0277933 0.027359 ]; syn_20_cost = [0.0452174 0.0678006 0.035401 0.0486378 0.10539 0.0807394 0.0390267 0.175822 0.0384819 0.0848328 ]; full_task_term = [0.00146818 0.0175911 0.000921463 0.00880133 0.0626452 0.0433757 0.00309512 0.120331 0.0096185 0.0363972 ]; full_act_term = [0.0270352 0.0430706 0.0465972 0.0415683 0.061381 0.0328721 0.0428094 0.0520095 0.0542091 0.0576587 ]; full_cost = [0.0524473 0.0656828 0.063266 0.0702031 0.151471 0.085116 0.0578125 0.195558 0.0742618 0.102169 ]; exhaustive_full_task_term = [0.000419565 0.0156608 0.000401436 0.00701256 0.0527632 0.0373835 0.00117259 0.112164 0.00566609 0.0385237 ]; exhaustive_full_act_term = [0.0337676 0.0434624 0.0349085 0.0333848 0.04182 0.0302181 0.0328348 0.0498393 0.0406494 0.0313083 ]; exhaustive_full_cost = [0.0469417 0.069387 0.0462018 0.0473718 0.123403 0.0802636 0.0392155 0.169948 0.0501897 0.0812875 ]; y_cost = [syn_3_cost', syn_5_cost', syn_8_cost', syn_11_cost', syn_14_cost', syn_17_cost', syn_20_cost', full_cost', exhaustive_full_cost']; width = 3; height = 3; alw = 2.75; fsz = 24; lw = 2.5; msz = 8; bar(y,'stacked'); hold on; errorbar(sum(y,2),std(y_cost),'.', 'LineWidth', 1.0, 'Color', 'black'); legend('Task', 'Activation', 'Other'); set(gca, 'xticklabels', {'3', '5', '8', '11', '14', '17', '20', '47', '47E' }, 'FontSize', fsz, 'LineWidth', lw); xlabel('Number of Controlled Variables') ylabel('Cost Function Value'); legend boxoff; box off; % Other statistcs in Section 3.1 of the paper: display('3 Synergies'); other_statistics(syn_3_task_term, syn_3_act_term, exhaustive_full_task_term, exhaustive_full_act_term); display('-------------------------'); display('5 Synergies'); other_statistics(syn_5_task_term, syn_5_act_term, exhaustive_full_task_term, exhaustive_full_act_term); display('-------------------------'); display('8 Synergies'); other_statistics(syn_8_task_term, syn_8_act_term, exhaustive_full_task_term, exhaustive_full_act_term);