User Guide

tao Character Dynamics Engine v1.0

tao Character Dynamics Engine v1.0

Last updated on March 20, 2006

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

Tao Character Dynamics Engine (tao) is a general purpose dynamics library for dynamic modeling, control, and simulation of araticulated branching structures. Branching (tree-like) structures represent a large class of practical systems such as vehicles, animals, and humans. tao provides intuitive, robust, and efficient ways to model, control, and simulate the dynamics of these complex systems. The main motivation embedded tao is part of an ongoing effort to describe the dynamic behavior of branching structures in an accurate and simple form while taking into account the computational efficiency. This manual explains major concepts and algorithms of tao as well as mechanics of how to use tao using examples.

1.1. Concepts

1.1.1. Basic Concepts

1.1.2. Internal Concepts

1.2. Features

1.2.1. Current Features

1.2.2. Future Features

1.3. Contact

If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at

2. Getting Started

2.1. Installation

2.2. Compilation

2.3. Resources

3. Simulation/Control Basic

3.1. Overall code structure

  1. Create a dynamics world.
  2. Loop:
  3. Destroy a dynamics world.

3.2. Control Step

3.3. Simulation Step

3.4. Collision Step

3.5. Other

4. Modules

There are 4 main modules in tao.

4.1. Matrix Module

tao library provides extensive matrix and vector routines. Optimized versions of these routines are also available for several platforms. Matrix classes are C++ wrapper classes with underlying routines written in C.

deFloatfloat or double. If DE_PRECISION_DOUBLE is defined, double is used.
deVector33 x 1 vector.
deMatrix33 x 3 matrix.
deQuaternion4 x 1 vector. [ Vx, Vy, Vz, W ].
deVector66 x 1 spatial vector. This consists of two deVector3 vectors.
deMatrix66 x 6 spatial matrix. This consists of four deMatrix3 matrices.
deFrameHomogeneous transformation. This consists of a deQuaterion (rotation) and a deVector3 (translation). This does not support computation of spatial quantities.
deTransformHomogeneous transformation. This consists of a deMatrix3 (rotation) and a deVector3 (translation). This supports computation of spatial quantities, deVector6 and deMatrix6.

4.2. Dynamics Module

tao provides a small set of dynamics objects that can be extended via inheritance. All coordinates are in the local (body or link) frame except where otherwise specified..

taoVarSphericalspherical variable. This provides variables for a spherical joint, position/velocity/acceleration/torque.
taoVarDOF1one dof variable. This provides variables for a one dof joint, position/velocity/acceleration/torque.
taoJointSphericalspherical (ball) joint. This provides variables for spherical joint inertia/damping/var.
taoJointRevoluterevolute (hinge) joint. This provides variables for revolute joint inertia/damping/var.
taoJointPrismaticprismatic (slide) joint. This provides variables for prismatic joint inertia/damping/var.
taoNodeunit dynamic object. This provides a rigid body with inertial property. each taoNode is required to have a parent node. each taoNode can multiple taoJoints relating to its parent.
taoNodeRootroot node. This is the root node of a dynamic character. Every character has one taoRootNode. taoRootNode does not have any taoJoint. Each taoRootNode must have a unique id.
taoNodeRBrigid body node. This is the dynamic node of a rigid body. Each taoNodeRB must have a unique id.
taoNodePSparticle system node. This is a particle system manager of particles. Each taoNodePS must have a unique id.
taoGroupdynamics group. This set of dynamic characters. This manages a list of taoRootNode. Each taoGroup must have a unique id.
taoWorlddynamics world. This manages a list of taoGroup.

4.3. Control Module

tao provides a set of control classes.

taoControlJtjoint space controller. This provides joint space dynamic control. A controller can be attached to a taoRootNode.
taoControlOpoperational space controller. This provides operational space dynamic control. A controller can be attached to a taoRootNode.
taoControlVhvehicle controller. This provides vehicle dynamic control. A controller can be attached to a taoRootNode.

4.4. Utility Module

tao can be compiled in debugging mode. In addition, taoLogger class provides simple but effective logging routines.

taoMassPropinertial property. This provides arbitrary inertial property, mass/center of mass/inertia tensor.
taoLoggerlog routine. This provides C++ print routines for logging. Output can be directed to files.

5. Abstract Classes

These classes can be inherited further to define your own classes.

5.1. Contact Dynamics

abstract classderived classes
taoCNodetaoDNode, taoNodeRB, taoNodePS

5.2. Articulated Body Dynamics - Exported

abstract classderived classes
taoDNodetaoNode, taoRootNode
taoDVartaoVarSpherical, taoVarDOF1
taoJointtaoJointSpherical, taoJointDOF1
taoJointDOF1taoJointRevolute, taoJointPrismatic

5.3. Articulated Body Dynamics - Internal Only

abstract classderived classes
taoABJointtaoABJointFixed, taoABJointSpherical, taoABJointDOF1
taoABJointDOF1taoABJointRevolute, taoABJointPrismatic
taoABNodetaoABNodeRoot, taoABNodeNOJ
taoABNodeNOJtaoABNodeNOJ1, taoABNodeNOJn

5.4. Control

abstract classderived classes
taoControltaoControlJt, taoControlOp, taoControlVh
taoJCParamtaoJCParamSpherical, taoJCParamDOF1
taoJCParamDOF1taoJCParamRevolute, taoJCParamPrismatic

6. Construction and Destruction

6.1. Particle system

taoNodePS* CreateNodePS(deInt nopc)
	taoNodePS* psn = new taoNodePS(nopc);

	return psn;

void SetParticlePos(taoNodePS* psn, deInt i, deFrame* global, deVector3* center)
	psn->position(i)->multiply(global->rotation(), center);
	*psn->position(i) += global->translation();

6.2. Rigid body

taoNodeRB* CreateNodeRB(deFrame* global, deInt useBlock, deVector3* min, deVector3* max)
	deFrame com;
	deMassProp mp;
	taoNodeRB* rbn = new taoNodeRB;

	if (useBlock) {
		com.translation().set(((*min)[0] + (*max)[0]) * 0.5f, ((*min)[1] + (*max)[1]) * 0.5f, ((*min)[2] + (*max)[2]) * 0.5f);
		mp.block(DE_DENSITY_WATER, ((*max)[0] - (*min)[0]), ((*max)[1] - (*min)[1]), ((*max)[2] - (*min)[2]), &com);
	} else {
		*mp.mass() = 1.0f;>zero();
	rbn->setMass(*mp.mass(), mp.inertia());

	return rbn;

6.3. Articulate body

The following sample function recursively creates an articulated body tree.

void CreateNodeAB(sceneNode *node, sceneNode *parent)
	sceneNode* child;
	deFrame home, global;
	taoNodeRoot* root;
	taoNode* obj;
	dynamicsData* adata = node->dynamics;

	if (adata) {
		home = node->GetLocalTransform();
		if (parent && parent->dynamics) {
			obj = new taoNode(&home, parent->GetTaoNode());
		} else { // create a root node
			global = node->parent->GetGlobalTransform();
			root = new taoNodeRoot(&global);
			obj = new taoNode(&home, root);
		SetDynamicsParam(obj, node, adata);
		CreateJoints(obj, adata);
	child = node->child;
	while (child) {
		CreateNodeAB(child, node);
		child = child->sibling;

void SetDynamicsParam(taoNode* obj, dynamicsData* adata)
	deFrame com;
	deMassProp mp;

	if (adata->useBlock) {
		com.translation().set(((*adata->min)[0] + (*adata->max)[0]) * 0.5f, ((*adata->min)[1] + (*adata->max)[1]) * 0.5f, ((*adata->min)[2] + (*adata->max)[2]) * 0.5f);
		mp.block(adata->density, ((*adata->max)[0] - (*adata->min)[0]), ((*adata->max)[1] - (*adata->min)[1]), ((*adata->max)[2] - (*adata->min)[2]), &com);
	} else {
		*mp.mass() = adata->mass;>zero();
	mp.get(obj->mass(), obj->center(), obj->inertia());

6.4. Joints

void CreateJoints(taoNode* obj, dynamicsData *adata)
	if (adata->prismaticx)
		AddJoint(obj, new taoJointPrismatic(TAO_AXIS_X), new taoVarDOF1, 1.0f, 1.0f);
	if (adata->prismaticy)
		AddJoint(obj, new taoJointPrismatic(TAO_AXIS_Y), new taoVarDOF1, 1.0f, 1.0f);
	if (adata->prismaticz)
		AddJoint(obj, new taoJointPrismatic(TAO_AXIS_Z), new taoVarDOF1, 1.0f, 1.0f);
	if (adata->revolutex)
		AddJoint(obj, new taoJointRevolute(TAO_AXIS_X), new taoVarDOF1, 1.0f, 1.0f);
	if (adata->revolutey)
		AddJoint(obj, new taoJointRevolute(TAO_AXIS_Y), new taoVarDOF1, 1.0f, 1.0f);
	if (adata->revolutez)
		AddJoint(obj, new taoJointRevolute(TAO_AXIS_Z), new taoVarDOF1, 1.0f, 1.0f);
	if (adata->spherical)
		AddJoint(obj, new taoJointSpherical, new taoVarSpherical, 1.0f, 1.0f);

void AddJoint(taoNode* obj, taoJoint* joint, taoDVar* var, deFloat damping, deFloat jointInertia)

6.5. Controllers

taoControl* CreateController(taoNodeRoot* root, deInt controltype, taoControlType lawtype, deFloat kp, deFloat kv)
	taoControl* controller;
	if (controltype == 0) {
		controller = new taoControlOp(root);
		controller->getControlOp()->_controlLawType = lawtype;
	} else if (controltype == 1) {
		controller = new taoControlVh(root);
	} else {
		controller = new taoControlJt(root);
	controller->getControlJt()->_jcpGlobal->_kp = kp;
	controller->getControlJt()->_jcpGlobal->_kv = kv;
	controller->getControlJt()->_controlLawType = lawtype;
	taoDynamics::fwdDynamics(root, root->getGroup()->gravity());
	return controller;

6.6. Group

A group is a container object for dynamics characters, particle systems, rigid bodies, and articulated bodies. Characters in different groups cannot interact, e.g., no collision between characters from two different groups. All characters in a group share common parameters such as integration time step, gravity, etc.

taoGroup* CreateGroup(taoWorld* world, taoNodePS* ps, taoNodeRB* rb, taoNodeRoot* root)
	taoGroup* group = new taoGroup;

	world->addGroup(group, groupid++);
	group->addRB(rb, rbid++);
	group->addPS(ps, psid++);
	group->addRoot(root, rootid++);

	group->gravity()->set(0, 0, -10);
	return group;

6.7. World

There is only one world and a world is a container object for dynamics groups.

taoWorld* CreateWorld()
	taoWorld* world = new taoWorld;
	return world;

6.8. Destruction

In general, deleting an object, A, will also delete any objects the object A holds. As an example, deleting a taoNode will also delete any joints assigned to that node and that will cause to delete all variables assigned to those joints. The following table is a destruction table. Note that this process is accumulative.

taoGrouptaoNodePS, taoNodeRB, taoNodeRoot
taoNodeRoottaoControl, taoNode

7. Control Parameters

7.1. Joint space control

7.1.1. global parameters

class taoControlJtglobal joint control parameters
_doDynamicControlturns dynamics control on/off
_includeGturns gravity compensation on/off
_controlLawTypecontrol law type such as PD law
_jcpGlobalspecial taoJCParam for the global control parameters
Note: for example, setting _jcpGlobal->_kp will change the global position gain.

7.1.2. local parameters

class taoJCParamlocal joint control parameters
_controlOnturns joint control on/off
_useGlobalGainsturns using global joint position/velocity gains
_goalVelocityAutoturns automatic goal velocity computation on/off
_jtLimitSoftOnturns soft joint limit on/off
_jlUupper joint limit
_jlLlower joint limit
_kpUupper joint limit position gain
_kvUupper joint limit velocity gain
_kpLlower joint limit position gain
_kvLlower joint limit velocity gain
_kpjoint position gain
_kvjoint velocity gain

7.1.3. goal position setting

If controller is available, goal position (frame) can be set for individual nodes. This method extracts out and sets appropriate joint goal position exiting in node. As an example, if node has only a spherical joint, translational part of F will not be used.

void taoControlJt::setGoalPosition(taoDNode* node, deFrame* F, deFloat timestamp);

7.2. Operational space control

7.2.1. global parameters

class taoControlOpglobal operational point control parameters
_ignoreOCturns operational space control on/off
_doDynamicControlturns dynamics control on/off
_controlLawTypecontrol law type such as PD law

7.2.2. local parameters

class taoOCParamlocal operational point control parameters
_controlOnturns joint control on/off
_goalVelocityAutoturns using global joint position/velocity gains
_ignoreturns task space control on/off
_kptask space position gain
_kvtask space velocity gain

7.2.3. operational point position setting

This method sets position for an operational point.

void taoControlOp::setOpPosition(taoDNode* node, deFrame* nFe);

7.2.4. operational point goal position setting

This method sets goal position for an operational point.

void taoControlOp::setGoalPosition(taoDNode* node, deFrame* F, deFloat timestamp);

7.2.5. operational point goal position setting

This method extracts out and sets appropriate null space joint goal position exiting in \c node.

void setGoalPositionNull(taoDNode* node, deFrame* F, deFloat timestamp);

8. Collision resolution - taoCNode

This chapter describes the tao's built-in funtions for collision detection/resolution systems to use. Using these functions is optional. Please refer to tao Reference Manual : taoCNode, for more information.

8.1. Impact

deInt taoCNode::impact1(const deVector3* Pie, const deVector3* Ui,
                        const deFloat cor2, const deFloat cofg2);
This method computes impulse/force and changes velocity/friction using impulse() and force().

deInt taoCNode::impact2(taoCNode* ni, const deVector3* Pie, const deVector3* Ui,
                        taoCNode* nj, const deVector3* Pje, const deVector3* Uj);
This method computes impulse/force and changes velocity/friction between two colliding nodes, ni and nj using impact1(), impulse(), and force().

8.1.1. Impulse

void taoCNode::impulse(const deVector3* Pie, const deVector3* Yie);
This method changes velocity instantaneously by applying the given impulse.

8.1.2. Friction

There are four friction coefficients in tao:

void taoCNode::force(const deVector3* Pie, const deVector3* Fie);
This method replaces the accumulated force with the given force.

8.2. Penetration

Unwanted penetration can be eliminated by using the following method. Essentially, this method provides an effective error correction.

deInt taoCNode::penetration1(const deVector3* Pie, const deVector3* Ui,
                             const deVector3* pdist, const deFloat dt);
This method computes impulse and changes position/orientation using impulseDist().

8.2.1. Error correction

void taoCNode::impulseDist(const deVector3* Pie, const deVector3* Yie);
This method changes position and orientation instantaneously by applying the given pseudo impulse.

9. Utility functions

9.1. Logging functions

tao let users to print out information similarly to print functions in stdio.h:
	deLogger::Printf(deChar* format, ...);

As an example, if we like to print out the logging information to a file called "filename", the following should be called:
	deLogger::AddOutput(new deLoggerOutputFile(filename));
before using Printf.

Please refer to tao Reference Manual : deLogger, for more information.

9.2. Mass property functions

tao provides mass, center of mass, and inertia tensor definitions of homogeneous bodies. Please refer to tao Reference Manual : deMassProp, for more information.

Internal mass properties of deMassProp can be set or retrieved by the following methods:

// set internal values to zero.
void zero();

// set internal values to given values
void set(const deFloat* mass, const deVector3* center, const deMatrix3* inertia);

// get internal values
void get(deFloat* mass, deVector3* center, deMatrix3* inertia);

Methods specifying mass properties for various homogeneous bodies:

cylinder, cone, pyramid, block, sphere, hemisphere, ellipsoid, rod, disk, plate, cylinderShell, coneShell, sphereShell, hemisphereShell

Note: the calls are accumulative for internal mass, center of mass, and inertia tensor.

10. Execution

10.1. Initialization

Do not forget to initialize before simulation/control loop starts.

void Initialize(taoNodeRoot* root)
	// for simulation
	// for control
	taoDynamics::fwdDynamics(root, root->getGroup()->gravity());

10.2. Update

tao update should be called at least once each graphics update. taoWorld::Update() can be replaced by following 3 individual call: control(), simulate(), updateTransformation(). time is the desired goal achieving time. this value is used to compute the goal frames. Notice that this value should be greater than the last control time, taoControl::time() and less than equal to the current goal time set by taoControl::setGoalPosition(). dt is the integration time step. notice that this value is independent to time. n is the maximum number of iteration of the loop if necessary (normally, 1).

void Update(taoWorld* world, deFloat time, deInt numIter)
	static deFloat lasttime = 0;
	deInt n = numIter;
	deFloat dt = (time - lasttime) / n;
	while (n-- > 0)
		lasttime += dt;
		world->update(lasttime, dt, 1);
		// this update() can be replaced by following 3 individual call.

		// do collision detection/resolution
	// update the graphics using taoWorld

10.3. Update graphics from tao

For taoNode, both frameGlobal and getFrameGraphics will give the same frame. So, using frameGlobal diretly will be faster. For taoNodeRB, the easiest way to do is to set up the graphics center frame concident with the center of mass frame. This will eliminate the offset between the global frames in graphics and dynamics. In that case, frameGlobal can be used directly and it is faster.

virtual deFrame* frameGlobal();
This method returns global frame for the dynamics computation.

virtual void getFrameGraphics(deFrame* Fg);
This method returns global frame for graphics display
  • Note - for taoNodeRB, this is the graphics origin frame without the offset.
  • Note - for taoNodeRB, setFrameGraphics() should be used to set this frame.
  • Note - for taoNode, this is the same frame as frameGlobal()
  • Fg is filled with the frame info for graphics sync.

  • 11. Miscellaneous

    11.1. Integration and Control steps

    In most cases, it is more efficient and stable to use the same step size for both integration and control steps. In addition, since the step size of control loop dictates the motion and smaller step size gives better result, it is recommended to use smaller stepsize with faster integrator such as explicit Euler integrator.

    11.2. Accumulative external forces

    After integration step, all external force accumulators are reset to zero. Notice that impact1() and impact2() will replace whatever values in external force accumulators with friction forces. Therefore, users should add appropriate external forces to the accumulators between the collision resolution step and the integration step.

    11.3. Constraints

    11.3.1. Hard constraints - joints

    Joint constraints are built-in constraints in tao. Since tao uses algorithms using generalized coordinate systems, it computes equations of motions with built-in joint constraints. Notice that since joint constraints are built into the dynamics equations, LCP solver (constraint solver) is not necessary. Joint constraints in tao are infinitely hard constraints.

    11.3.2. Soft constraints - joint limits

    Soft constraints can be done using appropriate controllers. Specially, tao provides built-in pseudo joint limit constraints via taoControlJt. These joint limits behave as soft constraints. Note that these soft joint limit constraints still do not require LCP solver (constraint solver).

    11.4. Gravity

    Gravity can be set to each taoGroup anytime and affects all dynamics objects in that taoGroup.

    void SetGravity(taoGroup* group, deFloat x, deFloat y, deFloat z)
    	group->gravity()->set(x, y, z);

    11.5. Joint Velocity Clamping

    Joint velocity can be clamped for stability. Notice that this might generate unpredictable behavior due to physically inconsistent clipping.

    void ClampJointVelocity(taoJoint* joint, deFloat x, deInt clampOn, deFloat dQmax)

    11.6. Impulse

    tao provides a framework to apply an impulse on a node of dynamics characters on the fly.

    void Impulse(taoNode *contactNode, deVector3 *contactPoint, deVector3 *impulse)
    	taoDynamics::impulse(contactNode, contactPoint, impulse);

    11.7. Unlink

    tao provides a framework to unlink at a node (subtree) of dynamics characters on the fly.

    void Unlink(taoNodeRoot* root, taoNode *dnode, deInt fixed, deFloat time)
    	taoNodeRoot* r;
    	if (fixed)
    		r = data->root->getGroup()->unlinkFixed(root, dnode);
    		r = data->root->getGroup()->unlinkFree(root, dnode, 1, 1);
    	root->getGroup()->sync(root, time);

    11.8. Note on multiple joints in a node

    tao allows for a node to have multiple joints. In this case the order is important. As an example, for the floating base, 3 prismatic joints must be added to the node before a spherical joint is added. Notice that a node can have the maximum of 6 DOF.

    11.9. Note on localFrame

    If a node has only one spherical joint, the translation part of localFrame() will be preserved during frame updates. The effect of this procedure is the same as changing the translation part of homeFrame() with the translation part of localFrame().

    Since Fl = Fh * Fs = [rh, ph][rs, 0] = [rh*rs, ph] = [rl, pl] and ph should be considered as a constant vector, pl can be set with an arbitrary vector in order to accomodate changes in the translation part.

    Notice that if pl != ph, dynamics can be off due to the discontinuity in configuration.

    12. zen: Collision System v0.1

    12.1. Creation

    // note: stride is the offset of each vertex vector in vertices
    //       e.g. 3x1 float vectors -> stride = 12
    //       e.g. 4x1 float vectors -> stride = 16
    hZen CreateZenNode(IZen* zs, VertexVector* vertices, int stride, nrgDynData* udata)
    	hZen id = zs->NewNode(ZEN_HULL);
    	zs->SetUserData(id, (unsigned int)udata);
    	zs->SetRadius(id, data->radius);
    	zs->SetError(id, data->error);
    	zs->SetVertices(id, (float (*)[3])vertices, nvertices, stride);
    	return id;

    12.2. Sync

    void SyncZenNode(IZen* zs, hZen id, taoCNode* node)
    	deFrame Fg;
    	zs->UpdateTransform(id, Fg.rotation(), Fg.translation());

    12.3. Detection and Resolution

    // test for collisions and report the results (zen).
    // Also provide a simple collision response to colliding objects (tao).
    void CollisionTestReportAndRespond()
    	ZEN_Result report;
    	zs->Collide(&report);  // perform collision test
    	taoCNode* node1, *node2;
    	deVector3 p1, p2, u1, u2, v;
    	ZEN_ResultContact *contact;
    	ZEN_ResultPoint *normal;
    	for (int j = 0; j < report.numNodePairs(); j++)
    		int ncontacts = report.numContacts(j);
    		if (ncontacts > 0)
    			node1 = ((nrgDynData*)zs->GetUserData(report.node1ID(j)))->node;
    			node2 = ((nrgDynData*)zs->GetUserData(report.node2ID(j)))->node;
    			// this is needed only if node1 is articulated body dynamics node
    			taoNodeRoot* root = ((nrgDynData*)zs->GetUserData(report.node1ID(j)))->root;
    			if (root)
    			// this is needed only if node2 is articulated body dynamics node
    			root = ((nrgDynData*)zs->GetUserData(report.node2ID(j)))->root;
    			if (root)
    			for (int i = 0; i < ncontacts; i++)
    				contact = report.Contact(j, i);
    				normal = report.Normal(j, i);
    				v.set(contact->point[0], contact->point[1], contact->point[2]);
    				p1.inversedMultiply(*node1->frameGlobal(), v);
    				p2.inversedMultiply(*node2->frameGlobal(), v);
    				u1.inversedMultiply(node1->frameGlobal()->rotation(), v);
    				u2.inversedMultiply(node2->frameGlobal()->rotation(), v);
    				node1->impact2(node1, &p1, &u1, node2, &p2, &u2);

    Copyright © 2003 Arachi, Inc. All rights reserved.

    Generated on Sat Apr 1 02:09:58 2006 for TAO by  doxygen 1.4.6-NO