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Release Name: June 2021

Release Notes
This release incorporates the following changes:

    - Rename the '1D Simulation` tool to 'ROMSimulation' tool

    - Incorporate running 0D simulations from the 'ROMSimulation' tool

    - Fix for Image and level set surfaces don't match up. (#886)

    - Add the sv.mesh_utils.remesh_faces() method to the Python API that can remesh selected faces

    - Add reading legacy path and contour files to the Python API

    - Add more post-processing for svOneDSolver results
      + Export results as numpy arrays (sorted by branches)
      + Project results to centerline
      + Project results to volume mesh

    - Add a Python API interface for reading image data (#812)

    - Update the svFSI tool to output solver input files compatible with svFSI solver (#592)