
Release Name: 2.2

Release Notes
- Released version has Thorax_Extension locked (different than 1.0 release). Include note about locking for scaling and unlocking for IK.
- Users may unlock subtalar ranges of motion to accommodate trials with more foot motion.
- Recommended to run IK with default pelvis_rotation angle similar to its position at the start of the trial.
- Arms may still encounter gimbal lock.
- Pelvis may encounter gimbal lock if subject lays down on either side.
Change Log
Changes from Full Body Model (Rajagopal, et al.):
- Rigid torso separated into 5 segments
- Adjusted joint coordinate limits for wrist, elbow, arm, hip, knee, ankle, etc.
- Marker set modified to Plug-in Gait

Changes from 1.0 Release:
- Adjusted Pelvis Euler sequence where rotation1 = pelvis_rotation and rotation3 = pelvis_tilt to reduce likelihood of reaching gimbal lock in trials that bend over or lay down.
- Pelvis range of motion limits unclamped to enable greater whole-body rotation in IK
- Adjusted arm axes of rotation for arm_flex and arm_add by 45 degrees to mitigate gimbal lock in upper limb tasks.
- Adjusted range of motion lower limits for: arm_add, arm_rot, elbow_flex, wrist_flex
- Markerset for scaling and IK:
-- Adjusted head and foot markers to be in the same plane within their body segments
-- Adjusted STRN marker in x-direction to lie on the outside of the skeletal geometry
-- Added forearm markers and adjusted RTOE, LTOE, RTIB, LTIB, LTHI, RSHO, and LSHO to better represent Plug-in-Gait markerset placement
-- Added medial elbow, ankle, knee markers; front, back, left, right, top head markers; inner and outer toe markers, outer heel markers, and ball of foot markers; outer hip markers; shoulder and hip joint center markers