Release Name: MDOPX
Release Notes
################################################################################ # # MD/OPX README # # Yinglong Miao # Center for Cell and Virus Theory # Department of Chemistry # Indiana University, Bloomington, USA # # # Last updated: 6/12/2008 # ################################################################################ MD/OPX stands for Molecular Dynamics/Order Parameter eXtrapolation. It is an approach designed to simulate large bionanosystems over long time periods by using a short MD run to extrapolate the structural order parameters (OPs) of the system over large time intervals and thus advance the system over long time. The present MD/OPX is implemented based on NAMD using its Tcl scripting interface and requires NAMD for running. A Fortran code is used to read the output structure of a short dt NAMD run, calculate the resultant OPs, extrapolate the OPs for dT, generate an atomic configuration at t+dT with the extrapolated OPs and put the result all-atom structure back into NAMD to start the next (dt, dT) cycle. #################### Setting up #################### * Modify NAMD code (available through to allow outputting separate DCD files for multiple MD runs: update the following three source files with those under directory "namd_changes": ** Output.C ** SimParameters.h ** SimParameters.C Compile the package and install a copy of the program ("namd2" by default for the latest verions NAMD 2.6) for running MD/OPX simulation. Please refer to the NAMD documents for compiling and installation instructions. * Compile Fortran 90 code under "AMAf90" directory and install the result executable "AMA.exe" for doing OPX in MD/OPX. Please update the Fortran compiler and compiling flags in the "Makefile" provided for compiling the code. * Prepare the configuration file for running NAMD (refer to the user guide via Execute the TCL scripts under the current directory in NAMD configuration file to run MD/OPX simulation: ** set "amadir" to the right directory in the NAMD configuration file ** source "ama_para.tcl" at the beginning ** source "ama_namd.tcl" at the end ** turn on "tclForces" with ---------------------- tclForces on tclForcesScript ${amadir}/ref_calcF.tcl ---------------------- A sample configuraton file for running MD/OPX on CCMV protomer can be found under directory "tests/1cwp-vmd-H-MDOPX/" ("1cwp-vmd-H.conf") * Set simulation parameters in file "ama_para.dat" with the following format in three lines (see parameter expanations in "ama_para.tcl"): ---------------------- molname InitMinsteps InitMDsteps MDsteps4x OPtimestep MinOPsteps MDOPsteps LSF npts a_avg_tol_min a_max_tol_run polynomial order nreplicas cycle t_start t_end ---------------------- See a sample file under directory "tests/1cwp-vmd-H-MDOPX/" #################### Testing and Running #################### Sample input files for running MD/OPX simulations are included in directory "tests": * 1cwp-vmd-H-MDOPX: CCMV protomer (X-ray crystal structure downloaded from PDB) cd tests/1cwp-vmd-H-MDOPX/ namd2 1cwp-vmd-H.conf Note: make sure the force field parameter file is pointed to the right location (check parameter "para" in the configuration file) under directory "common". #################### simulation output #################### Apart from the stardard NAMD simulation outputs, an MD/OPX simulation will output the following *.dat and *.dcd files assuming the base name of the simulated structure is "molname": * "${molname}-out-ref.dat": file saving the reference structure information * "${molname}-out-ref.bin": binary file of "${molname}-out-ref.dat" * "${molname}-out-B.dat": file saving the B matrix calculated from the atomic coordinates of the reference configuration; it is used in solving the linear equations for OPs. * "${molname}-out-OP.dat": file saving OPs calculated during the simulation * "${molname}-out-time.dat": file recording the timestep of OPs applied in the MD/OPX cycles * "${molname}-out-OP-*.dcd", "${molname}-out-coher-*.dcd" and "${molname}-out-sigma-*.dcd": DCD files recording the trajectory of the simulated structure after the ${cycle}th MD/OPX cycle and its coherent structure generated with extrapolated OPs and the residual. Files for MD/OPX simulation restart are saved at the end of each MD/OPX cycle. #################### Tools #################### Under directory "tools", a set of TCL scripts that can be executed with VMD ( are provided to prepare the system for MD/OPX simulation and analyze the simulation outputs. * "solvate.tcl": Generate the .psf and .pdb files from input PDB structure, solvate the structure in water and ionize the system with VMD to prepare the system for simulation * "vmd-merge.tcl": Merge multiple frames of a structure, like the "${molname}-out-OP-*.dcd", "${molname}-out-coher-*.dcd" and "${molname}-out-sigma-*.dcd" output from MD/OPX simulation, into a single DCD file #################### Problem/Bug Reporting #################### Please email "Yinglong Miao" <> regarding any problems or bugs of the program right now. A web portal is being set up via More services will be provided when it becomes ready.
Change Log
################################################################################ # MD/OPX # # TCL scprits for Molecular Dynamics/Order Parameter eXtrapolation (MD/OPX) # simulations of large biosystems (e.g. viruses) over long periods of time # based on NAMD. # # Yinglong Miao # Center for Cell and Virus Theory # Department of Chemistry # Indiana University, Bloomington, USA # # #################### # version 0.5 #################### # # 8/29/2007 # # * Use Least Squares Fitting (LSF) for OP time courses to allow larger OP time # step # # 11/14/2007 # # * Apply mature process after OPX # #################### # version 0.6 #################### # # 11/16/2007 # # * Apply adaptive timesteps to OPs in MD/OPX cycles # * use an ensemble of short MD runs initialized differently for OPX # and extrapolate the OP average values # # 12/12/2007 # # * optimize ama_cycle.tcl when OPE = 1 && NOPX > 1: read OPs instead of # calculating OPs again for OPX # # 12/14/2007 # # * make sure the right snapshots are used for OPX when NOPX > 1 and # minimization snapshots have been appended to the dcd file # #################### # version 0.7 #################### # # 3/5/2008 # # * Remove calling VMD in the scripts # * Save atomic coordinates in binary dcd files instead of ASCII dat files # # # 3/29/2008 # # * Use "backspace" for reading the OP file for OPX # * Try using direct access to read MD snapshots at the end of the DCD file # -> this doesn't work for binary DCD files # # 4/25/2008 # # * Modify NAMD source code to create different DCD files for multiple MD # runs # #################### # version 0.8 #################### # # 5/26/2008 # # * Extrapolate the average of OPs calculated from replica MD runs, instead # of the OPs calculated from a single MD run # * Modify NAMD source code to allow ouput different DCD files for multiple # MD runs # * Optimize the equilibration scheme of the OPX result structure #