Release Name: MDOPX 1.0
Release Notes
################################################################################ # # MD/OPX README # # Center for Cell and Virus Theory # Department of Chemistry # Indiana University, Bloomington, USA # # Last updated: Oct 2008 # ################################################################################ #################### Overview #################### MD/OPX stands for Molecular Dynamics/Order Parameter eXtrapolation. It is an approach designed to simulate large bionanosystems over long time periods by using a short MD run to extrapolate the structural order parameters (OPs) of the system over large time intervals and thus advance the system over long time. The present implementation of MD/OPX is based on NAMD using its Tcl scripting interface and requires NAMD for running. A Fortran code is used to read the output structure of a short dt NAMD run, calculate the resultant OPs, extrapolate the OPs for dT, generate an atomic configuration at t+dT with the extrapolated OPs and put the result all-atom structure back into NAMD to start the next (dt, dT) cycle. Please refer to the following paper for the theoretical details and implementation algorithms of MD/OPX: Miao, Y. and P.J. Ortoleva, Molecular Dynamics/Order Parameter eXtrapolation for Bionanosystem Simulations. J. Comp. Chem, Published Online, DOI: 10.1002/jcc.21071 (2008) ( This README file includes the instructions for setting up MD/OPX, runing and testing the program, explanations of the simulation output, and procedures for bug reporting and help request. #################### Setting up #################### Setting up MD/OPX needs a successful installation of NAMD (available through with its three source files updated with those included in this package in order to allow outputting seperate DCD files for multiple MD runs for efficient MD/OPX simulation. NAMD documentations can be referred to for compiling and installation instructions. The program also needs a Fortran code compiled and installed for doing OPX. "Makefile" is included for compiling the code. Please change the Fortran compiler and compiling flags according to your computer environment. Following are instructions for the setting up procedure: * Modify NAMD code to allow outputting separate DCD files for multiple MD runs: update the following three source files with those under directory "namd_changes/": ** Output.C ** SimParameters.h ** SimParameters.C Compile the package and install a copy of the program ("namd2" by default for the latest verion NAMD 2.6) for running MD/OPX simulation. * Compile Fortran 90 code under "src/AMAF" directory and install the result executable "AMA.exe" for doing OPX in MD/OPX. Please update the Fortran compiler and compiling flags in the "Makefile" provided for compiling the code. * Prepare the configuration file for running NAMD (refer to the user guide via Execute the TCL scripts under directory "src/" in NAMD configuration file to run MD/OPX simulation: ** set "amadir" to the right directory in the NAMD configuration file ** source "ama_para.tcl" at the beginning ** source "ama_namd.tcl" at the end ** turn on "tclForces" with ---------------------- tclForces on tclForcesScript ${amadir}/ref_calcF.tcl ---------------------- A sample configuraton file for running MD/OPX on CCMV protomer can be found under directory "tests/1cwp-vmd-H-MDOPX/" ("1cwp-vmd-H.conf") * Set MD/OPX simulation parameters in a file named "ama_para.dat" with one parameter one line in the following format: KEYWORD VALUE (OPTIOANL COMMENT) The keywords are case insensitive and there is no restriction on the sequence for specifing the parameters. A sample file is like the following (included under directory "tests/1cwp-vmd-H-MDOPX/"): ---------------------- molID 1cwp-vmd-H # Molecule ID TotNatoms 7202 # Total number of atoms in the system StrNatoms 7202 # Number of atoms in molecular structure (i.e., system excluding water and ions) InitEMsteps 0 # Initial Energy Minimization steps InitMDsteps 0 # Initial MD steps MDsteps4OPX 200 # MD steps used for OPX OPtimestep 1000 # OP timestep EMOPsteps 100 # Energy Minimization steps after OPX MDOPsteps 1000 # MD steps used for maturing energy-minimized OPX structure npts 5 # Number of MD snapshots used for calculating system OPs and their extrapolation Atol 100 # Tolerance of maximum atomic acceleration before running maturing MD polynomial legendre # Polynomial used for constructing the system dynamic modes and OPs degree 3 # Degree of polynomial orders used for the construction nreplicaMDs 10 # Number of MD replica runs used for calculating system OPs and their extrapolation cycle 0 # The serial number of current cycle start 5000 # Simulation start time (a value greater than 0 indicates a restarted simulation) end 10000 # Simulation end time ---------------------- #################### Testing and Running #################### Sample input files for running MD/OPX simulations are included in directory "tests": * 1cwp-vmd-H-MDOPX: CCMV protomer (PDB ID: 1CWP) cd tests/1cwp-vmd-H-MDOPX/ namd2 1cwp-vmd-H.conf Note: make sure the force field parameter file is pointed to the right location (check parameter "para" in the configuration file) under directory "common/". #################### simulation output #################### Apart from the stardard NAMD simulation outputs, an MD/OPX simulation will output the following *.dat and *.dcd files assuming the base name of the simulated structure is "molname": * "${molname}-out-ref.dat": file saving the reference structure information in format: N mstar cen box mlist xlist ylist zlist * "${molname}-out-ref.bin": binary file of "${molname}-out-ref.dat" * "${molname}-out-B.dat": file saving the B matrix calculated from the atomic coordinates of the reference configuration; it is used in solving the linear equations for OPs. * "${molname}-out-OP.dat": file saving OPs calculated during the simulation * "${molname}-out-time.dat": file recording the timestep of OPs applied in the MD/OPX cycles * "${molname}-out-OP-*.dcd", "${molname}-out-coher-*.dcd" and "${molname}-out-sigma-*.dcd": DCD files recording the trajectory of the simulated structure after the ${cycle}th MD/OPX cycle and its coherent structure generated with extrapolated OPs and the residual. "${molname}-out-MinOP-*.dcd", "${molname}-out-MDOP-*.dcd" and "${molname}-out-MD4OPX-*.dcd": DCD files saved during running energy minimization, maturing MD, and short MD runs for OPX in each MD/OPX cycle Files for MD/OPX simulation restart are saved at the end of each MD/OPX cycle. #################### Tools #################### Under directory "tools", a set of TCL scripts that can be executed with VMD ( are provided to prepare the system for MD/OPX simulation and analyze the simulation outputs. * "solvate.tcl": Generate the .psf and .pdb files from input PDB structure, solvate the structure in water and ionize the system with VMD to prepare the system for simulation * "vmd-merge.tcl": Merge multiple frames of a structure, like the "${molname}-out-OP-*.dcd", "${molname}-out-coher-*.dcd" and "${molname}-out-sigma-*.dcd" output from MD/OPX simulation, into a single DCD file #################### Problem/Bug Reporting #################### Please email "Yinglong Miao" <> regarding any problems or bugs of the program right now. A web portal is being set up via More services will be provided when it becomes ready.
Change Log
################################################################################ # MD/OPX # # TCL scprits for Molecular Dynamics/Order Parameter eXtrapolation (MD/OPX) # simulations of large biosystems (e.g. viruses) over long periods of time # based on NAMD. # # Yinglong Miao # Center for Cell and Virus Theory # Department of Chemistry # Indiana University, Bloomington, USA # # #################### # version 0.5 #################### # # 8/29/2007 # # * Use Least Squares Fitting (LSF) for OP time courses to allow larger OP time # step # # 11/14/2007 # # * Apply mature process after OPX # #################### # version 0.6 #################### # # 11/16/2007 # # * Apply adaptive timesteps to OPs in MD/OPX cycles # * use an ensemble of short MD runs initialized differently for OPX # and extrapolate the OP average values # # 12/12/2007 # # * optimize ama_cycle.tcl when OPE = 1 && NOPX > 1: read OPs instead of # calculating OPs again for OPX # # 12/14/2007 # # * make sure the right snapshots are used for OPX when NOPX > 1 and # minimization snapshots have been appended to the dcd file # #################### # version 0.7 #################### # # 3/5/2008 # # * Remove calling VMD in the scripts # * Save atomic coordinates in binary dcd files instead of ASCII dat files # # # 3/29/2008 # # * Use "backspace" for reading the OP file for OPX # * Try using direct access to read MD snapshots at the end of the DCD file # -> this doesn't work for binary DCD files # # 4/25/2008 # # * Modify NAMD source code to create different DCD files for multiple MD # runs # #################### # version 0.8 #################### # # 5/26/2008 # # * Extrapolate the average of OPs calculated from replica MD runs, instead # of the OPs calculated from a single MD run # * Modify NAMD source code to allow ouput different DCD files for multiple # MD runs # * Optimize the equilibration scheme of the OPX result structure # #################### # version 0.9 #################### # # 6/19/2008 # # * Parallelize AMA.f90 with MPI # #################### # version 1.0 #################### # # 8/22/2008 # # * Formulate the parameter configuration file by putting each # parameter in a separate line # * Automate the MD/OPX simulation input by outputing the parameter # file "ama_para.dat" through executing "solvate.tcl" with VMD #