AddBiomechanics Dataset
This dataset, originating from the data contributed to the automatic scaling and dynamics tool AddBiomechanics, is the world’s largest collection of physically validated human motion available (as of 2024) for free under Creative Commons BY 4.0 license. The dataset provides individually scaled skeletons, their physical properties such as link masses and inertias, all the joint positions, velocities, and accelerations over time, along with all the measured contact forces with the ground and all joint torques computed with inverse dynamics. Tasks include walking (overground and treadmill), running, sit-to-stand, stairs, jump, squat, lunch, standing, and others.
Feb 06, 2025

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Werling, K., Kaneda, J. Tan, T., Agarwal. R., Skov, S., Van Wouwe, T., Uhlrich, S., Bianco, N., Ong, C., Falisse, A., Sapkota, S., Chandra, A., Carter, J., Preatoni, E., Fregly, B., Hicks, J., Delp, S., & Liu, C.K. AddBiomechanics Dataset: Capturing the physics of human motion at scale. In European Conference on Computer Vision (pp. 490-508). Springer, Cham. (2025) View
