Knowledge Base + FragFEATURE This package is for users interested in running FragFEATURE with our pre-computed knowledge base or with a user generated knowledge base. This package contains A) the knowledge base B) scripts to generate the knowledge base C) scripts to run FragFEATURE using the knowledge base PDB Ligand Fragmentation This package is for users interested in fragmenting ligands bound by protein structures. The manual described fragmenting the PDB ligands but is adaptable to any ligand. Ligand fragmentation is used in the previous package but a pre-compiled version is contained within the knowledge base package. This package contains A) scripts for fragmenting ligands
Downloads instructions and details
FragFEATURE License
For non-profit academic researchers, please fill out the license agreement below and send to russ.altman@stanford.edu. We can then make the code available.
Release 1 License
Feb 18, 2017


Download Links

Feb 18, 2017
87 KB
