
This project provides a musculoskeletal model for estimating the force- and moment-generating capacity of the major pelvis and lower limb muscles in Australopithecus (Au.) afarensis. Results from related studies employing the Au. afarensis model are also curated here.

License: Pelvis and Lower Limb

This project provides a musculoskeletal model for estimating the force- and moment-generating capacity of the major pelvis and lower limb muscles in Australopithecus (Au) afarensis. Results from related studies employing the Au. afarensis model are also curated here.

This project page includes a three dimensional musculoskeletal model of the Au. afarensis pelvis and lower limb. The model is based mostly on the A.L. 288-1 partial skeleton. The bone elements were created by scanning casts of the original fossil specimens on loan from the Institute of Human Origins at Arizona State University. Muscle attachment sites and pathways were based on published studies of original fossil material, as well as known commonalities between humans and apes. Muscle architectural parameters were based on human and chimpanzee dissection data. See the associated publication for more detail. The model will be made available after publication of the associated manuscript.

The development of this model and related research were supported by grants from the U.S. National Science Foundation (awards 2018436 and 2018523).
