
A full-body musculoskeletal model based on the model described by Rajagopal et al. (2016) with calibrated passive muscle force curves and improved hip abductor muscle paths.

License: Full body model - OpenSim 4.1

A full-body musculoskeletal model based on the model described by Rajagopal et al. (2016) with calibrated passive muscle force curves and improved hip abductor muscle paths. Changes to the Rajagopal model are described in our manuscript Uhlrich et al. (2022). The code for calibrating the forces is here: https://github.com/stanfordnmbl/PassiveMuscleForceCalibration.

Passive muscle force curves were calibrated to match experimental data published by Silder et al. (2007). Hip abductor muscle paths were adapted to more closely align with MRI and experimental data.

Rajagopal A, et al. "Full-Body Musculoskeletal Model for Muscle-Driven Simulation of Human Gait." IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 63.10 (2016): 2068-2079. (2016)

Uhlrich SD, et al. Muscle coordination retraining inspired by musculoskeletal simulations reduces knee contact force. Sci Rep 12, 9842. (2022) https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-13386-9

Silder A, et al. "Identification of Passive Elastic Joint Moment-Angle Relationships in the Lower Extremity." Journal of Biomechanics 40.12: 2628-2635. (2007)
