
This project consists of the SIMM (+OpenSim) model files for the MOR555 T. rex specimen (now at Smithsonian) used in the paper cited below.

License: OpenSim models, SIMM model

This project consists of the SIMM model files for the MOR555 T. rex specimen (now at Smithsonian) used in the following paper:
Hutchinson, J.R., Anderson, F.C., Blemker, S., Delp, S.L. 2005. Analysis of hindlimb muscle moment arms in Tyrannosaurus rex using a three-dimensional musculoskeletal computer model. Paleobiology 31:676-701. doi: 10.1666/04044.1

It includes these files:
1) A "bones" folder with .ASC format polygonal meshes at low resolution, as described in the above paper. Additional left leg files were generated as well as the third toe.
2) .jnt and .msl files ("trex J42" and "trex M42") that are used by proprietary SIMM software (version 7.0) to run the model; these can be opened as text files in typical text applications.
3) A snapshot of the SIMM model.

Note that the SIMM model has undergone minor changes from the 2005 paper's model, but these are fairly trivial (except as noted above).

More info: http://simtk-confluence.stanford.edu:8080/display/OpenSim/Tyrannosaurus+Rex+Model

Also available at: https://figshare.com/articles/_/4982492

OpenSim model has now been added (2019).
