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Data used to create SSM
This package contains the processed data used to create the Knee Bone and Cartilage thickness SSM. The data has been prepared according to the paper: Cartilage thickness is coupled to bone shape in healthy knees and varies with sex. Please note that all femurs consist of 50031 points, patella consist of 10049 points, and tibia consist of 49801 points. In order to create the SSM, a final registration/alignment should be applied to the data before applying your unsupervised machine learning method such as principal component analysis (PCA). Please note cartilage thicknesses provided correspond to the thickness at the subchondral nodes provided in the cartilage growing patch files.
Version 1
Mar 23, 2021

This release includes point clouds and scalar fields used to create the Knee bone and cartilage thickness SSM. Currently includes femur, patella, tibia and their cartilages.   

Download Links

Mar 23, 2021
129 MB
Points clouds for the femur, patella, and tibia, corresponding articular cartilage points and thicknesses.

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Knee Bone and Cartilage SSM
This package visualises the SSM of the knee including bone shape and cartilage thickness distributions.
Version 1
Mar 11, 2021

This release includes code and necessary files for visualising the bone and cartilage SSM.Notes  View License

Download Links

Mar 11, 2021
28 MB
Source code
Please note that the bones are offset from each other so that the articular surfaces can be viewed.
