This project contains the code and materials related to the paper, "Investigating cerebellar control in slow gait adaptations: Insights from predictive simulations of split-belt walking" by Fleischmann, Shanbhag, Miehling, Wartzack, Ong, Eskofier, and Koelewijn, which is currently under review. A pre-print is available here:
In this project, we use the optimization framework SCONE to create predictive simulations of split-belt walking. We extend a spinal reflex model by a biologically inspired model of the cerebellum mimicking its key functions of error-driven motor adaptation and use this model to investigate the effect of an isolated adaptation of temporal control parameters.
This project contains our simulation results, as well as our simulation code and a README on how it is structured so that others can reproduce our results or build on our work.
We further provide experimental data from one subject during split-belt walking and Python code to recreate the figures from our paper.